When There is Fear. . . We Light a Candle

It is our calling to hold people when they are hurting, sad, afraid, or angry.

Today, as on many other days, we may witness deep distress and wonder how to help. We, ourselves, may need comfort or support even as we strive to assist others with their pain.  It is helpful to be reminded of our guiding principles and our strategies for resourcing.

As healers:

We breathe… deeply.
We offer hope.
We cultivate compassion.
We center people in their inner wisdom.
We ground people in the present moment.
We look for light, even when it might be hard to see.
We reach out for support and provide a path to comfort.
We trust the healing power that is organic within each of us.

We are all each other’s partners in healing. None of us is alone.

With love,
Sharon, Carrie and César