Healing for Healers: Resourcing Psychotherapists for Work with Challenging Cases

Keep your toughest case in mind as you participate in this once monthly, 8 module, group consultation that will provide you with support, strategies and inspiration to feel more present, effective and resourced as a therapist. The group integrates psychodynamic, somatic, family systems, strength-based, and mindfulness-based approaches to case conceptualization and to issues of transference and counter-transference. Case consultation and experiential exercises help you apply a new way of thinking and feeling about cases that challenge you the most. Sharon is certified in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SP) and can lend that expertise to groups of participants who have completed Level I or Level II SP training.

Meeting Time: TBD by participants, once monthly for 80 minutes
Meeting Place: 300 N. Fifth Avenue, Suite 200, Ann Arbor, 48104
Instructor: Please contact Sharon Gold-Steinberg, PhD at sgoldsteinberg@gmail.com to express interest in forming or joining a consultation group.

Photo above by Kayla Steinberg